dilluns, 23 d’agost del 2010

Pretty Much Everything

So, here I am. After a week spent in my grandparents house, I'm here in my home again. But the most important thing is that I've been for week in Amsterdam. I enjoyed a lot the city, with the canals and all that architectural stuff. Really nice! I ate delicious food and drank lots of ice tea.

But the thing I enjoyed the most were the museums. Lots of museums! All the days we visited museums. In one day we visited four museums, and all of them had excellent artworks. The thing I was going to tell you is that we went to the Foam (Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam). I was like lets see if they have any Inez&Vinoodh photo! So when we got into the useum I saw: Inez&Vinoodh exhibition. I was like: what!? And that was all, in a few seconds I was surrounded by 300 Inez&Vinoodh photos. There were lots of photos I saw before, but there were also some that I didn't from the 90's and one of their son. I also loved the way that the photos were exposed. You know, in different sizes and without a chronological order.

The photos ar fromthe internet.

dimarts, 3 d’agost del 2010


But who can say what's best? That's why you need to grab whatever chance you have of happiness where you find it, and not worry about other people too much. My experience tells me that we get no more than two or three such chances in a life time, and if we let them go, we regret it for the rest of our lives.
- Norwegian Wood

God! How I love this book.
Are you reading something this summer?